Friday, May 28, 2021

A Short History of Kirat Period: Administrative System of Kirat Period by Pradip Devkota

A Short History of Kirat Period: Administrative System of Kirat Period:


The term Kirat is a generic term in Sanskrit Literature for people who had territory in the mountains, particularly in the Himalayas and Northeast India and who are believed to have been Tibetan in origin . Kirati are very primitive tribes in Nepal Himalaya. According to Manu’s Dharmashastra, Kirat arecalled “degraded kshatriyas.’ They had been mentioned as a brave warriors in various ancient mythological manuscripts. The kirats have been also mention in the different Puranas as well as Mahabharata, Bhima meets the Kiratas to the east of Videha ( ancient kingdom’s territory located in Mithila region under King Janak) where his son Ghatotkacha is born. In general the dwellers of the Himalayas, especially the eastern Himalayas were called Kiratas.

First King: Yalambar

Kirata territories extended along the eastern Himalayan belt of the mountain range. In Nepal Himalaya they were dominated in eastern part of Nepal. The Kirats area was in between Sunkoshi and Tama Koshi as their native land. The tri partition of the Kirat region in eastern Nepal divided into three regions are, Wallo Kirat, Majh Kirat and Pallo Kirat. The Wallo Kirat and Majh Kirat collectively called Khambuwan and the Pallo Kirat is called Limbuwan because of their preponderance of limbu Kirat.

Peoples and Languages:

In academic literature, the earliest recorded groups of kiratis are today divided into five groups viz The Yakkha, Limbu, Rai, Sunwar and Dhimal. Kirati people were short and had strong bodies, broad checks, flat noses, thin whiskers and dark eyes. They were well trained in the art of welfare and were very skillful archers.

Kirati people spoke Kirati Languages. There are about two dozen Kirati Languages. The better known are Bantawa, Chamling, Khaling, Bahing, Yakkha language, Vayu, Dungmali and Khulung .

Kathmandu Valley Invasion:

The kirats ruled in Nepal after Mahispal or Avir Dyansty can be found in different manuscripts. By defeating the last king of Avir Dynasty Bhuwansingh in a battle, Kirati King Yalamber had taken the regime of valley under his control. In hindu mythological perspective this event was taken place in around the 6th century B.C. Kirats comes to Nepal in about 700 BC and ruled over it.

 Yalamber, the First Kirati  King of Nepal which belongs to the Yellung clan. In some context he is also found to say as ‘Yalung’. It is also believed the Yal, the old city name of Patan was names after him. After conquering the Kathmandu valley, the Yalamber established the capital city Yalakham present day near Thankot. They extended their Kingdom as far as Tista River in east and Trishuli River in west.

First King Yalambar:

In Nepal, Kirati King Yalambar, is belived to be the Barbarik of Mahanharata, son of Ghatotkach and grandson of Bheema. During the Mahabharat war, Lord Krishna cut of Barbarik’s head, so in his honour Indrajatra is celebrated and his head is worshiped as god Akash Bhairav. His successors ruled Kathmandu valley for about 31 generations which was lasted nearly 1225 years.

Humanti : 

Humanti was the sixth King of Kirat dynasty eho had fought in war of Mahabharat. Jitedasti was regarded as the seventh Kirati King. During his period Gautam Buddha visited Kathmandu Valley.

The twenty-eighth Kirati King was Patuka, who faces the attack of Sombanshi ruler and successfully repelled their attacks. After that, he was forced to move top Shankhamul from Gokarna. He built a royal palace called ‘Patuka’ there for him. The last King of Kirat dynasty was Gasti.

Administrative System of Kirat Period:

The administrative system of Kirat period was divided into three different tires- Central Government, State Government and Local Government.

Central Government:

The king is the highly respected and top level authority. The king was considered as the representative of the God (Ningwaphuma). The Kirati King did not rule arbitrary. The king had to follow the traditions and beliefs. They had to take the interest of the people. The king was the head of the state as well as head of the government. The king had legislative, executive and judicial powers and the kingship was based on divine theory.

 The council of the state is called the Chumlung which consists The King ( Hang), Ministers (Tumyangs), High level army officers (Thaktumba) two elected person by King (Padangs). The King used to chair the Chumlung. The major functions of council of state are to advise the King, to provide information, to formulate policies in national issue, to entact rules and regulations. The whole entire administrative system was guided by Chumlung.

The center administrative system controls the relationship between central and local administration, military organization, administrative and judicial affairs, taxation policy and some socio-religious affairs.

State Government:

The state administration was controlled by the Mini King.

Local Government:

The local level government is called Thum or a cluster of villages. The local level government is run by the Subbha. In case of external invasion all the Thums under the guidance and leadership of the central government had to fight against the invasion.

Foreign Policy:

The foreign policy is based on non-alignment policy.  For treaty with any foreign country, the central government had to take Thums consent to sign treaty.

Military organizations:

A compulsory military training should be given to every male child at the age of 12 years. They should be recruiting their sons from each Limbu family once they attains the age of 18. Kirati had systematic military organization. It was based on sound principal and policies.

Judicial Affairs:

The primary function of government is to maintain peace and security. Punishment was given according to the crime. There was provision of death punishment also. Those people who create violence in the society were given severe punishment. Rebels were expelled from the country and criminals were expelled from the country. The criminal were forced to take oath before God not to repeat their crime.

Judges were selected on the basis of his knowledge.


Taxation system was based on the production amount. Every person had to pay once tenth of the production of his land. Taxes were on sale, production of forest products etc.


Trade was done in between India, China and Tibet. Basically they trade wool, medicinal herbs and forest products.

Social Affairs: Marriage & divorce:

They adopted the policy of increasing the populations so that the Limbu man were allowed to marry non limbu women. The marriage was registered in the council of state on the petition of their father. The village headman had the authority to register their marriage and they had to pay certain amount for marriage registration.

The status of women in the society was high. Divorce is legal. There are two types of divorce, Khemang-is the divorce by husband on the ground of wife’s immoral character and Najang-is the divorce by wife on the ground of husband’s immoral characters. A girl after divorce is consider as a unmarried women.

Religious affairs:

Their main god is Nigwaphuma. God was to e worshipped for the protection of the family members, for the welfare of the eldest members of the family and villages.


The law system was basically based on the Mundum. Mundum was just like four Vedas of Aryans. Customary laws and royal edicts were also sources of law.


Kirat administration was based on traditions, socio-cultural values and belief. Kirata rulers used to rule with the help of customary law based on tradition, religious belief and according to Mundhum. The lacks of reliable evidences and inscriptions, the Kirat period and prehistoric period of Nepalese history is in dark.

List of Kirat Kings

According to Mahabharata, chronicle of Bansawali William Kirk Patrick[4] and Daniel Wright,[5] The kirat kings were

  1. King Shree Yelam - 90 years/१। राजा श्री एलम् - ९० वर्ष,
  2. King Shree Pelam - 81 years/राजा श्री पेलं - ८१ वर्ष,
  3. King Shree Melam - 89 years/राजा श्री मेलं - ८९ वर्ष,
  4. King Shree Changming - 42 years/राजा श्री चंमिं - ४२ वर्ष,
  5. King Shree Dhakang - 37 years/राजा श्री धस्कं - ३७ वर्ष,
  6. King Shree Walangcha - 31 years 6 months/राजा श्री वलंच - ३१ वर्ष ६ महिना,
  7. King Shree Hungting - 40 years 8 months/राजा श्री हुतिं - ४० वर्ष ८ महिना,
  8. King Shree Hoorma - 50 years/राजा श्री हुरमा - ५० वर्ष,
  9. King Shree Tooske - 41 years 8 months/राजा श्री तुस्के - ४१ वर्ष ८ महिना,
  10. King Shree Prasaphung - 38 years 6 months/राजा श्री प्रसफुं - ३८ वर्ष ६ महिना,
  11. King Shree Pawa: - 46 years/राजा श्री पवः - ४६ वर्ष,
  12. King Shree Daasti - 40 years/राजा श्री दास्ती - ४० वर्ष,
  13. King Shree Chamba - 71 years/राजा श्री चम्ब - ७१ वर्ष,
  14. King Shree Kongkong - 54 years/राजा श्री कंकं - ५४ वर्ष,
  15. King Shree Swananda - 40 years 6 months/राजा श्री स्वनन्द - ४० वर्ष ६ महिना,
  16. King Shree Phukong - 58 years/राजा श्री फुकों - ५८ वर्ष,
  17. King Shree Singhu - 49 years 6 months/राजा श्री शिंघु - ४९ वर्ष ६ महिना,
  18. King Shree Joolam - 73 years 3 months/राजा श्री जुलम् - ७३ वर्ष ३ महिना,
  19. King Shree Lookang - 40 years/राजा श्री लुकं - ४० वर्ष,
  20. King Shree Thoram - 71 years/राजा श्री थोरम् - ७१ वर्ष,
  21. King Shree Thuko - 83 years/राजा श्री थुको - ८३ वर्ष,
  22. King Shree Barmma - 73 years 6 months/राजा श्री वर्म्म - ७३ वर्ष ६ महिना,
  23. King Shree Gunjong - 72 years 7 months/राजा श्री गुंजं ७२ वर्ष ७ महिना,
  24. King Shree Pushka - 81 years/राजा श्री पुस्क - ८१ वर्ष,
  25. King Shree Tyapamee - 54 years/राजा श्री त्यपमि - ५४ वर्ष,
  26. King Shree Moogmam - 58 years/राजा श्री मुगमम् - ५८ वर्ष,
  27. King Shree Shasaru - 63 years/राजा श्री शसरू - ६३ वर्ष,
  28. King Shree Goongoong - 74 years/राजा श्री गंणं - ७४ वर्ष,
  29. King Shree Khimbung - 76 years/राजा श्री खिम्बुं - ७६ वर्ष,
  30. King Shree Girijung - 81 years/राजा श्री गिरीजं - ८१ वर्ष,
  31. King Shree Khurangja - 78 years/राजा श्री खुरांज - ७८ वर्ष,
  32. King Shree Gasti - 58 years/राजा श्री खिगु - ८५ वर्ष

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