Friday, June 4, 2021

The Book Review of “The Element of Style” William Strunk Jr. and E.B White.


The Book Review of “The Element of Style”

William Strunk Jr. and E.B White, ‘The Elements of Style,’ is an absolute must have resources for writer. The element of style is a classic reference book found on most writers’ book shelves. It’s a bible for the aspiring writer, copy writer, linguistic and English students.  Professors Strunk referred to it as ‘the little book’ because it contains only 105 pages during its publications in 1920.  

Infact ‘ The elements of style’ remains the most brief and practical guide to English writing that ever appeared. It contains 11 elementary principle of composition with supporting examples and 11 matters  of forms including using colloquialisms, hyphens, exclamations and quotations. It also contains 123 words and expression commonly misused like

Flammable. An oddity, chiefly useful in saving lives. The common word meaning “Combustible” is inflammable. But people are thrown off y the –in and think inflammable means “not combustible”. For this reason truck carrying gasoline or explosive are now marked FLAMMABLE.

Interesting. An unconvincing word; avoid it as a means of introductions. Instead of announcing that what you are about to tell is interesting. Make it so. An interesting story is told of >>> Tell the story without preamble.

  The most effective things  that hit me was the 21 Reminders on Approaches to Style. Few are

  Place yourself in the background.

 Write in a way that comes naturally

 Do not overwrite or overstate but Revise and review your writing

Be clear what you are writing and avoid fancy word

Avoid foreign languages

Do not take shortcut at the cast of clarity and many more…

Besides being a 100 years old-classic, this “The Elements of Style” gives us how to deliver a compelling writing style using simple concise writing methods.


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